9 research outputs found

    Optimalisation of E-Resources from National Library and Online Information of Covid-19 to Develop Literacy and Numeracy Test Like PISA

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    By utilising the online information of Covid-19 from e-resources including the national library and online information, the development of literacy and numeracy item test called PISA-Cosains (science context of Covid-19) was carried out. The process was oriented to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) science framework that has been carried out to produce an instrument product that is valid and practical. The method used in this study is the Research and Development method. The analysis in this study uses Rasch\u27s Item Response Theory (IRT) model. The development process utilises e-resources from national library and online portal of Indonesian government. Based on the theoretical validation, the results showed that the questions developed were valid. The practicality of the questions can be known through the results of questionnaire analysis of the test takers at the trial stage. The results of the practicality questionnaire show that this question belongs to the practical category. The results of quantitative analysis through field test trials show a significant influence from the application of the PISA model question instrument to the improvement of scientific literacy and numeracy skills of junior high school students obtained. However, the level of separation is still relatively low. It indicates that the items are less sensitive to cover the entire continuum of all respondents. Furthermore, when viewed from the item, most of them are fit and have a pretty good point measure correlation

    Top 100 Cited Publications in Physics Education in The last Thirty Years: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The present study\u27s focus is to analyze the top 100 cited papers (classic papers) in the field of physics education in the last thirty years. The study is aimed to provide insight into the citation pattern, authorship pattern, year, journals, countries of these classic papers with the help of bibliometric analysis. The data for the study was extracted from the Scopus database. The study indicated that among these top 100 papers maximum were in the form of research articles. The majority of these top-cited papers were published during the five years from 2012 to 2016. The average citation per paper was calculated to be 34 citations per paper. American Journal of Physics, Science and Education, and Physical Review Physics Education Research are the leading publication sources. Meanwhile, Springer Nature and the American Physical Society dominated publishing the most impactful research in physics education. Kuhn is recognized as the most productive author. Whereas McDermott received the greatest number of citations. The institutions whose authors have contributed the most included the University of Washington and California State University. The USA has predominance over the production of highly cited papers followed by Germany and Spain. Maximum works cited in these top 100 papers have been published within the 50 years from 1971 to 2020. The research areas in these papers are mainly emphasized on physics education, physics, students, computer-aided instruction, and medical education

    Sosialisasi Cara Mengenali Kandungan Boraks Pada Kerupuk Secara Sederhana, Mudah dan Murah Bagi Warga RT 02 RW 02 Kel. Kedondong, Bagor Nganjuk

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    Sebagai salah satu bahan kimia yang membahayakan kesehatan, boraks telah dilarang oleh Pemerintah untuk digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan. Namun faktanya boraks masih sering digunakan oleh oknum produsen makanan, termasuk pada kerupuk agar kerupuk menjadi renyah. Guna melindungi kesehatan masyarakat dari paparan boraks tersebut, maka kegiatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk mengenali kandungan boraks di dalam kerupuk secara sederhana perlu digalakkan, salah satunya kepada warga RT 02 RW 02 Kel. Kedondong Bagor Nganjuk mengingat bahwa bagi warga setempat, kerupuk sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari. Pada kegiatan ini, 15 macam kerupuk yang dibeli dari Pasar Wage setempat diuji kandungan boraks menggunakan kertas kunyit. Kertas kunyit yang berwarna kuning karena mengandung curcuma akan berubah warna menjadi coklat kemerahan apabila dilarutkan ke dalam asam borat (zat di dalam boraks) yang terkandung di dalam kerupuk. Dari ke-15 kertas kunyit yang telah direndam di dalam 15 macam larutan kerupuk, 40 % diantaranya telah berubah warna menjadi coklat kemerahan yang menandakan bahwa kerupuk-kerupuk tersebut mengandung boraks. Temuan tersebut ternyata sesuai dengan hasil uji boraks yang dilakukan pada kerupuk-kerupuk yang sama di Laboratorium Farmasi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dengan metode Asam Borat & Borat di dalam Makanan No. 970.33